Friday, February 11, 2011

Color Theory and Emotional Effects

1.  The way that light refracts produces such a visual phenomenon. Deep reds can set an emotion of anger, while blues can give a calming feeling. Yellow is thought to arouse happiness. Green is harmonious to nature and the environment.
2. Color can be used in costume to produce feeling of royalty and nobleness.  Deep purple and gold truly have this effect. This is interesting because colors alone can give these notions of status.
3. I found it interesting how they described light that is reflected from water making color mobile. The subtle movement of the water and its reflective surface creates such beautiful patterns naturally that artists try to recreate. This pattern is such an intriguing image, but at the same time calming.
4. I like the thought that darkness in color alone can produce a menacing feeling. Light and darkness of a color is a strong tool for an artist to use that can completely alter the emotion of a picture.

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